Have you ever known how hard is to have anyone who could understand you ?
One by one, I lost every fucking important persons in my life. I've lost friends because they were bitches. I have never loved bitches, and they were. Is it friend a person who can call you ''bitch'' just because you have friend? Is it friend this one who can't call you to ask you what the fuck are you doing, but he calls you to complain about his life ?
Is it friend this one who can hate you just because you spent your time with your bf ?
Is it friend this one who tells you that you didn't look for, but he never thinks if you were right, happy, you had everything you want and some bullshits.
I started to hate these fucking fake friends.
I have just two.. Two friends, two girls. One of them knows everything, everything at all and she have never judged me for my actions and mistakes. The last one knows most of my life, but not at all. Not because I didn't want to tell, just because I hadn't time to do it.
I know I've done mistakes, but there are mine and I assume all of them.
Why are boys and men like that ? Uncapable to listen to you, just to tell you ''everything is gonna be allright'' and nothing more at all. Fuck this fucking shit ! Starting to become nervous when your partner is in a bad mood just because he can't smile like everytime.
I feel bad now. Just don't... Don't judge me .
I F L Y .